At Scott and Jessica's home...
Jess is setting out drinks...
Jess-Happy 4th to you too sis! I've been missing you.
Jess- would you mind taking Maryann for a while?
Jess- thanks so much!
Jess starts getting the food ready....
Meanwhile at Boulder and Joy's house...
Back at Scott and Jessica's house, the men make themselves comfortable in the den while the ladies gather in the kitchen.
Joy- Be right back.
Joy takes baby Jet and little Cathy to Annie...
Meanwhile, more guests arrive.
After everyone had eaten, they gathered in the den to talk.
Jack- Yes, thank you for having us, Scott. We have to be going.
Scott- It was a pleasure.
Joy and Boulder remain a little while longer after the guests leave.
Scott- It was great seeing y'all.
Joy- we'll do.
Jess- It was our pleasure.
That night...
Jess- Scott?
Scott-(mumbles) yeah?
Jess- Happy 4th of July Sweetie.
Scott- (snores)
Happy 4th of July Everyone!!!!
We hope you enjoyed this story.
~Your friends at Polly Pocket World~